The "Finding Your Niche" event was a success by all measures - a stellar line-up of speakers, truly engaging talks, genuine curiosity and quality CPD (12 pts, 2T!). It was humbling to listen to all the speakers share their journeys to how they practice the way they do today.

We had the magnificent Margaret Lam, who took us through the rollercoaster of life and the idea of work-life balance. Grant and Thao painted a picture of 'accidentally falling into a specialty' through true care for their patients, culminating in their interests in sports vision and advanced optics.
Gavin Boneham wowed us with his wealth of experience, built up over many years of hard work and dedication, Mark Kosek shared his journey into speaking roles and exploration of various specialities, asking all of us whether we were happy and satisfied with what we were doing.
Dr. William Trinh talked to us the power of education and critical thinking as medical clinicians, as well as the benefits of providing eyecare to communities less fortunate than our own. Finally, Chih-Chi Lee opened our eyes to accessing holistic care for our patients beyond just optometry and the excitement of behavioural optometry.
We thank our guest speakers for volunteering their time and sharing a piece of themselves to inspire all of us to find our niche. What a great event - we can't wait to hold it again. It isn't one to miss!