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  • 7 Aug 2018 11:45 AM | Anonymous
    What exactly is dry eye? How many of your patients present complaining of dry eye?  Did you know.... when people use digital devices, on average they blink 5 times less than normal? This dries out the eye's surface, often causing dry eye symptoms!

    As part of UNSW SOVS Dry eye "Defy Dry eye 2018" Social Media Campaign they are raising awareness of dry eye symptoms, and encouraging patients to visit their local optometrist. The initiative is part of a final year Masters of Clinical Optometry research project which has been undertaken by their students. 

    Interested in finding out more? 

    Like their page: 

    Twitter: @UNSWoptomvsci



  • 30 Jul 2018 1:28 PM | Anonymous

    On Saturday 21st July Optometry Australia held their Optometry 2040 Future’s Workshop in Sydney at the ICC. I was fortunate to attend the morning brainstorming session along with a wide range of other enthusiastic industry representatives, both optometrists and non-optometrists, who have a rich collective knowledge and experience base. The aims of the Optometry 2040 Future’s project are to identify the potential directions for the future of Optometry in Australia, and to identify proactive strategies to direct the profession down the paths that are reflective of what the profession wants. The brainstorming session involved stimulating group discussions on a variety of topics such as specialization within optometry, alternative funding options, the impact of Internet sales and artificial intelligence, to name a few.

    As an ONSW/ACT member and as a young optometrist with hopefully many years left in my career, it was rewarding to participate in the project thus far in gaining insights on where Optometry currently is, and where it potentially can be, and it was empowering to actively contribute to shaping the future of my profession. – Megan Tu, Secretary of Young Optometrists NSW/ACT

  • 30 Jun 2018 7:38 PM | Anonymous

    On Friday 22nd June 2018, our young optom members gathered at the QT hotel, Sydney, on behalf of ProVision to learn the art of business. The private function allowed us to mingle with our peers as well as with ProVision Business Development Manager Graeme and state-based ProVision Business Couches Kelvin and Joanne.

    We were seated in a cinema-like room to learn about owning our own business and the support available to independent optometrists. Often a foreign aspect to Optometry, for many of us, it was interesting to learn about establishing a business model and the many layers involved in running your own practice. A standout point made was that independent optometry still has a strong hold in the market, with a market share of approximately 30%! It was rewarding to know that patients still highly regarded independent optometrists and acknowledged their efforts to deliver high quality customer service and personalised experience. The night was a success where connections were made and it became clear how ProVision could be a possible pathway for some members.

    ProVision also offers an associate program to all optometrists, which is complimentary to join. To apply for the program, go to

  • 30 Jun 2018 6:56 PM | Anonymous

    On June 17th 2018, YO held a Assessing Anomalies workshop. We  enjoyed learning from Dr Colin Chan (Ophthalmologist) and Dr Margaret Lam`s (Optometrist) many years of experience.

    Dr Colin Chan presented us with cases, SiCo style and we became better at differentiating between `Dodgy and Non-Dodgy`Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia. We had a refresher on identifying and managing corneal graft rejections. Dr Chan also drummed into us,  how important timely management of keratoconous is. 

    Dr Margaret Lam covered an abundance of tips and tricks with advanced contact lens fitting specifically for RGP and scleral fits. We learnt from Margaret`s own cases and the reasoning behind the lenses prescribed. 

    The presentations were followed by therapeutic cases studies and a sit down buffet lunch. Thank you to everyone for attending and a special thank you to Dr Colin Chan, Dr Margaret Lam and the YO team. 

  • 22 May 2018 12:47 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you to all who attended the paediatric workshop on Saturday night (12th May 2018). It was a successful and booked out event at the Mercure Hotel, which held our three speakers: Liz Jackson who is a paediatric and behavioural optometrist, Justine Tucker who is an experienced vision therapist, and Dr Michael Jones, a well known and respected paediatric ophthalmologist.

    We were fortunate enough to have Liz Jackson return again to give another talk. As always, Liz's enthusiasm and expertise left us more confident and her tips and tricks are sure to help us better manage our little patients.

    Following Liz's presentation was Justine, who demonstrated how we could utilise vision training techniques to patients who experience accommodative or convergence difficulties. Justine had us all engaged with her demonstrations and hands talk.Thank you to the audience volunteers who had their visual systems stretched and pulled!

    And last, but not least, Dr Michael Jones who ran through his experiences of examining children and how we could best manage and communicate with both nervous children and their parents or carers. And no, we will not forget his most prized equipment if ever he was stranded on an ophthalmic island – a retinoscope!

    With the completion of another successful CPD workshop, we are excited to start planning for our upcoming events in the future! We look forward to seeing you there!

  • 2 May 2018 2:46 PM | Anonymous

    Benefits of YO membership

    WATCH our video here on why you should join YO. 

    • 1.       Workshops/Talks tailored to optometrists within first 10 years of graduation
    • o   Controversial topics, how to ask for pay raise, too many optometrists
    • o   Intimate, interactive education
    • o   Great value for CPD , over 30 CPD points a year
    • o   Next workshop Paediatrics evening featuring optometrist Liz Jackson, ophthalmologist Michael Jones and orthopdist Justine Tucker at Mercure 12th May 2018
    • 2.       Travel Scholarships
    • o   $7000 worth of scholarships for interstate and overseas conferences and one interstate conference
    • o   Learn about new technology, clinical ideas and eye care overseas
    • 3.       Networking events
    • o   Not sure if optometry is for you? Want to learn about other career pathways within optometry?
    • o   Meet established optometrists that want to share with you their journey within optometry
    • o   Recently had EyeQ networking event at Doncaster Hotel  on Friday 23rd March, we had inspiring talks from Mark Koscek and ???
    • 4.       Support network/community
    • o   Get access to our closed YO NSW/ACT forum where you can ask questions clinical and non-clinical without judgement
    • o   Blogs, classifieds, newsletters and more
    • o   Join a friendly, supportive and down to earth community for early career optometrists

  • 30 Mar 2018 6:31 PM | Anonymous

    We have $7000 worth of travel scholarships up for grabs! Apply today applications EXTENDED to June 15th 2018 and are only for full YO members. 

    Tier One 
    Value up to $750 for a conference within Australia. 

    Tier Two
    Value up to $2000 for a workshop/conference anywhere around the world. 

    Tier Three
    Value up to $3000 for a course anywhere around the world. 

    There is one placement program scholarship available, up to the value of $1250. 

    Interested? Applications EXTENDED to 15th June 2018.  

    Not a member? Sign up here:

    Terms and Conditions and application form can be found here.

    Watch the video on why you should go on an overseas/interstate conference here

    Thinking about going to that overseas conference? Go to a conference in Europe, Asia or the USA. You can find out about what overseas conferences available here

    Or find your own in your special interests i.e. Orthok, Paediatrics or Behavioural Optometry interstate or overseas. Have an experience of a lifetime. Learn from global experts. Network. See how eye care is run in other countries. Enjoy a holiday while you are at it. Before or after your conference. 

    Overseas conferences are tax-deductible and are convertible to CPD points in Australia. 

    What are you waiting for? 

    Apply for a scholarship here

  • 5 Mar 2018 11:35 PM | Anonymous

    I attended the 7th World Glaucoma Conference in Helsinki, Finland. I went with 3 other optometrists, Wendy Saw, Sandra Au and Jenny Song. It was a 3.5 day conference between June 28th and July 1st 2017. It was an eye opening experience. It was good to meet overseas delegates and learn about the latest in glaucoma from an international perspective. In between conference days we went to a concert, nordic walking and a conference dinner. Before the conference we also travelled to Denmark, Sweden and Norway. For next time, I will do a conference first before any travels, as we did get a little exhausted! I'd definitely do it again, I highly recommend going to an overseas conference, there is nothing to lose. Apply today for a scholarship, go to that overseas/interstate conference!

    Nordic Walking, we are all sporting red "Walk for Glaucoma" t shirts!

    Conference dinner at Kulosaaren Casino

    Helsinki Cathedral

  • 14 Jan 2018 12:22 AM | Anonymous

    Young Optometrist NSW/ACT is excited to introduce their first scholarship ever. There will be three scholarships of differing values and one placement program scholarship available. 

    Please read the pdf application form below for Terms and Conditions and fill out the application form and email it back to us by 30th April 2018.

    If you are not a full member, make sure you sign up to take advantage of all the amazing opportunities we have. Our passion is and always will be optometry. We want to provide YOu with the best chances for growth and development!

    YO Scholarship Proposal.pdf

  • 20 Nov 2017 11:30 PM | Anonymous

    Tell us a little about yourself (quirky habits or favourite things etc):

    Hi Everyone :) I’m Wendy and currently settled in Sydney. I have been an optometrist for over half a decade now, and spent my first 5 years working in country locations along the eastern side of Oz: from Cairns down to Tassy and a few places in between! 

    How did you end up in optometry as a career? 

    Optometry became my first preference, after I could not choose to be an interpreter (my mother said I wasn’t good enough compared to Asians from Asia). I was always good at science, so after deciding between Pharmacy and Optometry, I chose Optometry due to the higher enter rank needed.

    What are you most passionate about outside of optometry?

    I love hiking and racquet sports (especially squash), so I try to pursue those in my spare time. In my travels, I bought a guitar in Cairns and a piano sized keyboard in Tassy, so music is something I am passionate about. I have a bit of a farmer’s streak in me, and I’m really into organic gardening and pursuing a healthy vegetarian lifestyle. 

    How would you spend your free time? 

    I spend a lot of my free time actually, going to CPD and Leadership events, like conferences etc, and mixing that up with overseas travel. On Saturdays, I hang out with friends and we play a lot of exciting games, most recently Laser Tag - I’m looking forward to Escape Room next! On Sundays, I go to Church. I go to the beach a lot too at sunset, the beaches here are breathtakingly beautiful! If I have a whole day free, I go hiking with a group (too scared to hike by myself, I’m quite directionless and become lost very easily). 

    I’m supposed to be finishing off my therapeutics, so my free time will be devoted to studying very very soon.

    Most embarrassing moment?

    Doing a presentation when I wasn’t invited to with my whole family present and Science HOD present too, at a CSIRO Student Research Scheme speech night. I kept my cool though, but looking back, I should have been more embarrassed. 

    What inspired you to join YO as a subcommittee member?

    It was fun introducing YO to Specsavers graduates in Melbourne this year, so I thought: why not join? I worked in the country as soon as I graduated and stayed in various country locations for at least a year. It was a bit lonely and isolating in the country for me, and I feel like YO is a good platform to reach out to young regional optoms. You guys are doing a fantastic job by the way! It’s not easy being in the country!

    If you had one superpower, what would it be?

    I wish I could read minds. I’m told I cannot really read people and empathise well enough. I’m really working on that actually. 

    What is your current favourite phrase?

    “Zero to Hero”

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