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The Curious Case of Corneas

  • 2 Jul 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • The Epping Club, 45-47 Rawson St, Epping NSW 2121
  • 2


Have a keratoconic patient and you want to know the latest management options?

Is that bump a pinguecula or something worse?

Feeling rusty with your anterior eye pathology?

We are lucky to have Peter Kim, an experienced and very approachable anterior eye ophthalmologist here to discuss with you The Curious Case of Corneas! 

Approved for a whopping 12T CPD points!!

Schedule for the day:

10am Registrations

Session 1: Management of ocular surface conditions

11am Morning Tea

Session 2: Keratoconus: An Update

12.15pm Lunch

Session 3: Optimising cataract surgery outcomes

Session 4: Miscellaneous anterior eye conditions

Session 5: Anterior segment case studies

3pm Conclusion

Spots are LIMITED and Registrations close on Sunday 25th June 12pm. Don't miss out!!!

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